Make yourself unforgettable

Author : Dale Carnegie
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A very good book in a very good condition.Contact me on the number mentioned in the AD.. says :-
Dale Carnegie books are pure gold, they have helped millions of people around the world develop confidence and more importantly, the necessary soft skills which are very much necessary in order to sustain in this world. Books by Dale Carnegie has even helped billionaires to develop their communication skills, you think I am exaggerating? I am not because I know the name of the billionaire who enrolled in the classes of Dale Carnegie. It’s none other than the Billionaire investor Warren Buffet. This shows how effective and necessary the books of this great author are in any person’s life. One of the books from the list of Dale Carnegie books which has impressed me a lot is Make yourself unforgettable. This book has all the answers to the question of ‘how to make yourself unforgettable?’. However, believe me, they are nice to know but very hard to implement. One of which is to never talk ill of someone behind his/her back. Tell me, how many times we do it unintentionally and even if we’re reminded of not to do it on purpose, would we be able to choose to not do it? Tough, isn’t it? This Dale Carnegie book will compel you to ask yourself several questions and will provide you a framework clinging to which, you can bring many positive changes to your life. bx-zone’s online used bookstore brings this great self help book at a discount of 59%. After reading it you’ll realize that any discount on a Dale Carnegie book is a good discount.

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