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Bx-zone is a website which is making online sell and buy of 2nd hand books very, very easy.
The students and book readers are using it every day to sell and buy used, unused, second-hand, old books.
We receive queries almost daily by our respected users asking us the process to sell & buy used books online.
For the convenience of our users, we’re listing the response to some general queries below & in case you feel any concern on top of this just use the e-mail or the contact form below to raise it.
sell used books icon

How do I sell my books on bx-zone.com?

This is the most important query which we have often received, and therefore, we’re listing a response to it in following points –
  • Sign up on bx-zone to create your free bx account
  • Login to your bx-zone profile
  • Click on the ‘sell my books’ option from the main menu
  • Fill in the form with the details of your book
  • It is mandatory to set up the pick-up point in the map. Mark a safe & convenient place where you will hand over the books to the book buyer.
  • It is also mandatory to write a beautiful description of at least 100 chars of your book such that the book buyer finds it attractive.
  • Press the submit button.
This is going to list your books in the used books store.
You’ll receive notifications/e-mail when a buyer expresses interest in your book. Also, on your book’s profile page you can get the list of the people who expressed interest in your book.
Once you receive an interest, you call the buyer, fix the deal on the book, meet him/her at the pick up point, handover your used books & collect the money.
modify my ads bx-zone icon

How do I modify my Ads?

It is very simple to modify your book Ads, just go to the used books store and click on the ‘more’ option in the menu.
A new menu will pop down, in it you’re going to find ‘Modify My Ads’ option.
what is the wish-store on bx-zone

What is the wish-store?

Wish-store is the secondary store of bx-zone where you can list your book wishes using ‘wish books’ option. It is a store which the book sellers use to find buyers for their second-hand books.
Delete my 2nd hand books' ads

How do I take down my used books’ Ads?

There is no option to actually delete your books from the used books store. If you have already sold your book & don’t want any further interest on it then mark them ‘sold’ by visiting the book’s profile page.
Delete my 2nd hand books' ads

I have 50 books to sell. Can anyone from bx-zone come and collect them?

Bx-zone is an online second hand books store which works on the model of users selling old books online to users living in the same area or city.
Bx-zone neither buys used books or sell used books itself hence, please follow the process mentioned in the response #1 to sell your books

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